【Tom Swoon】刑務所から手紙で活動終了を報告。

2017年12月5日に飲酒運転をし、乗客1人を死亡させたポーランド出身のDJ Tom Swoonが2018年6月6日刑務所から手紙で活動終了を報告しました。残念です。

当時ドイツ車フォルクスワーゲンを運転していたTom Swoonは、同じくフォルクスワーゲンを運転していた車と衝突し、1人を死亡、もう1人を病院送りにする飲酒運転をし逮捕されました。当然その日から活動は休止、そして6月6日DJとしての活動を終了する報告をFacebookで発表しました。

Tom Swoonは2014年に初来日し2016年には、Ultra Japanに出演するなど日本のファンも多くとにかく残念ですが、今後の彼の人生を見守りましょう。以下Tom Swoonの手紙の内容です。





私はまだ刑務所の外での人生が想像できませんが、今回の件を受けてTom Swoonプロジェクトを終わらせて、全く新しい人生を送るつもりです。この様な形で音楽活動があっという間に終わってしまったのは残念です。


Dear fans, dear friends:

I was thinking about reaching out to you for a long time now.
But for many various reasons I kept postponing this moment. Today, I’m finally feeling ready to share my story with you.

Exactly six months ago, on December 5th 2017 I have caused a traffic accident while driving under the influence of alcohol, which led to a death of one person. I have pleaded guilty and got immediately arrested, where I’m currently waiting for my trial to start.

I am writing this letter because I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart- first and foremost to the family that has lost their loved one. I cannot imagine the pain that I have unwillingly inflicted to them that feral night and which is probably still with them now. I am also sorry that I’ve let all of you down. I still can’t understand how all of this could have happened. Although I have already made peace with a fact, that there is a very harash verdict ahead of me.

Living with a thought that you took part in taking someone else’s life away is the most terrible thing that has ever happened to me. There is no day when I wouldn’t think about it. No words to describe how much i regret all of what happened.

I still don’t know when I will get to see the life outside of prison, but I know that I want to leave this place as a completely different person, having a completely new life. That’s why I have made a call to end the “Tom Swoon” project for a good. It’s time for me to focus on things way more important than a musical carrer. I am sorry that it all ended so quick… and in a such tragic way.

Yours truly, -Dorian


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